5 most common mistakes we make when researching the “Real”

We are too goal-orientedIt is naturally beneficial to set goals for our lives, as they can motivate and inspire us to become an even better "me". Whether it's our health, our diet, loving ourselves, starting our own business,…

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12 mantras that can save your life after a breakup

Anyone who has ever been through a break-up knows exactly how hopeless life can seem. We tend to believe that the storm clouds over our heads will never pass and we'll live out the rest of our lives…

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These 4 signs are particularly unlucky in love

Everyone knows at least one person (unless they're themselves) who, despite their gorgeous looks, brilliant mind and stunning charisma, is unlucky in love. Whoever you meet, the relationship will bleed from the start and within 2-3 weeks you'll…

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4 myths about marriage you better not believe

What is a PERFECT marriage like? Probably, as many of us as there are people on the planet, there are different ways of thinking about it, not to mention the many clichés, social expectations and myths that influence…

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man in love would never do these 5 things

Does not make you feel alone in the relationshipA relationship is a partnership, a kind of alliance. A team. It should be there to make your life happier, more fulfilling, not to complicate it. If you're dealing with…

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5 things a man in love would NEVER do to you

We can no longer make excuses for people who hurt us in some way. A self-respecting, honest man will treat and love us as we deserve to be treated and loved. If not, then what is the point…

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6 sure signs that your partner is not over your ex

A healthy relationship can only develop if both partners are emotionally available. That is, they have already put down their "baggage", their emotional attachment to the ex, gone through the post-breakup phases, past the anger, resentment, pain. The…

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