7 warning signs you can spot a Tinder scammer

Asking for confidentialityThe first thing every conman will try to do is to keep your budding "romance" a secret between the two of you. They don't make this obvious, of course, they use very subtle tricks to encourage…

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8 signs that your boyfriend is a real

Let's face it, no one is completely themselves at the beginning of a relationship. This is not a bad thing, of course, as gradually discovering and getting to know each other is part of the excitement, and it…

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4 cruel ways to break up that can’t be ignored

By the 21st century, mating habits have changed, and we're dating differently. For example, it is now less common for a marriage that began at a young age or a relationship that started as a teenager to last…

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5 Tips For happy and healthy marriage

A sense of supportEvery now and then, life throws a curve ball at everyone. People in good relationships, though, feel secure at all times. They know they have someone who will help them and give them all the…

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How do I know if a guy loves you?

When you're in a fairly new relationship, judgment can be clouded by your own emotions and sometimes you can become unsure if he feels the same way you do. You may start to wonder if he really loves…

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How To Choose a Life Partner

Does your family like him?We're not suggesting that you marry into your family, but it's something to think about. If your family absolutely hates this man before, then you will have to make some very difficult choices and…

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10 things boys wish girls knew

There are so many things written about what boys don't understand about girls, but what about the reverse? What do girls not get about boys? How do guys understand? To overcome this shortcoming, we asked one of our…

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how to compliment a man, 5 useful tips

Tell him he's really good at what he doesMen take work seriously and giving him a boost on this aspect of his life will really please him. It doesn't matter what his job is, if you tell him…

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5 useful tips on how to compliment a man

Men can be strangely suspicious of compliments. It's like they wonder what a person's real motive is when they get a nice compliment. This might be because men don't complement each other as quickly as women do, so…

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