15 things to do to find true love

The highest aspiration that everyone has is to love and be loved back, and on this hinge the whole scaffolding of an authentic love relationship revolves. Often, however, the idea of finding true love discourages us! How many…

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What is love?

The word love today has lost all meaning because it is misused, even instrumentalize. Think of the military who want to pass off the idea that "for love of country" it is right to wage war. Or religions…

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Toxic colleagues and how to avoid them

For many, smartworking is over and everyone is back to working together passionately, a prospect that seems chilling to some given that away from colleagues they were just fine. We have all become somewhat unaccustomed to tolerating each…

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3 steps to make a man fall head over heels in love

Unlike women, men determine their attitude to a man by evaluating his objective qualities. With women, it's not like that - objective qualities can be just a pretext, psychologists say. Very often it even happens that a woman…

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How and when a man falls in love and begins to love

Yes, as strange as it may sound, men know how to love. When they fall in love for real, they experience a whole range of emotions. How does this happen?Of course, we can simplify everything and just talk…

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Why a man does not dare to show his feelings?

Women are romantic and emotional by nature. Seeking their mate, they tend to exaggerate the meaning of the views addressed to them and in their own way interpret the meaning of the phrases they hear. "He's definitely in…

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9 golden rules for those looking for true love

Strong relationships cannot do without mutual respect and a show of mutual care. In the beginning, it may seem that lovers have no problems. However, experienced partners will assure you that this is not the case. It takes…

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Signs of a man’s true love from a distance

Without a doubt, it is difficult to assess the sincerity of a man's intentions when there is no physical contact. We know that representatives of the stronger physical contact are generally afraid to build a serious relationship. They…

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3 secrets to endless happiness in a relationship

It's not hard to have a happy relationship when you know how When you start a relationship, you dream of things working out this time. You want to be happy with your partner and have that happiness stay…

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If you hear these words from him, you have cause for alarm

There are phrases that every woman longs to hear from her man. These words make you gush with happiness… But, in fact, some romantic phrases can be potentially dangerous, psychologists warn. If you dig deeper and think about…

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How to tell if he’s thinking about you from a distance

Even after a breakup, people don't always become indifferent to each other. And then sometimes we ask ourselves whether or not he has forgotten us, are we still in his thoughts or is he no longer thinking of…

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Things only a man in love with you does

Trying to reveal the feelings of the man next to her, many women pay attention to the wrong landmarks. For example, they trust the words and do not notice at all the actions of the one who can…

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How to convince a man that you are perfect for him

We all know it's much easier to attract a man compared to keeping him. And if you have already attracted the attention of the one you want to spend your life with, the task of keeping him comes…

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