Forgive to free your soul

Forgiving is a big word that we don't always understand. It's not just telling someone that you forgive them to make it true. Forgiving is even less forgetting. To forgive is to free the one who has hurt…


The 6 tips for personal development

Working For Tomorrow Whatever you do with your days (professional, personal or social), do not act for immediate gratification. If you want to help someone in need, don't do it so that tomorrow that same person will help…


How to control your jealousy

Jealousy is considered an emotion that specialists explain at the psychobiological and cultural level. In a couple relationship, in small doses and as a warning reaction to a falling out of love, jealousy can be healthy; but if…


7 good habits to be positive every day

1/ "I am fine, everything is fine". Do you know the Coué method? Emile Coué, a 19th century psychologist, invented this method of autosuggestion. The goal is to repeat this sentence as much as possible, every day, until…