6 Differences Between True Love And Infatuation

How do you tell the difference between a fleeting infatuation, and love that can last a lifetime? We have the answer.Do you have a friend who seems to have more former flames than they can count, or do…

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5 Benefits Of Getting Married Young

Some people think that if you are young when you get married, it is an act of rebellion or immaturity. However, there are some advantages to marrying young. Marriage is a challenge at any age, but there are…

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Can You Get Over Infidelity And Save The Relationship?

Betrayal can tear apart even the strongest of relationships, but when there is love, forgiveness opens new paths and makes the relationship stronger. This leads to the question: should you save your relationship by getting over the infidelity?…

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These Are Positive Things Jealousy Can Do To Your Relationship!

Jealousy has a pretty bad reputation in love. However, there are actually positive effects that you can draw from your jealousy. Jealousy has many faces. When we are in a committed relationship, we can develop fears that our…

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Unhappily In Love: How To Deal With Your Situation Properly

Unconditional love: does it really exist?For many, true love is associated with loving unconditionally. But what exactly is hidden behind the term "unconditional love"? How do you find it? How does one love unconditionally? And: Is unconditional love…

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Relationship Break: These Are The Rules You Should Follow

Can you save your partnership with a relationship break? Or does a temporary breakup just usher in the end of the relationship faster? We explain the advantages and disadvantages. "I can't do all this anymore, I need a…

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You Will Never Be Happy With These 7 Types Of Men

The search for a suitable partner can be quite exhausting. If he doesn't just run into you in the supermarket or at the office, you first have to find a candidate you can check for suitability for your…

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