20 Signs That He Is Your Soulmate

Is he my soulmate, is it the great love? These 20 signs tell you if you are destined for each other by fate. Are we soul mates? Do you think you've found the love of your life? These…

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Signs That Your Man Is Happy With You

You can tell from these seven signs if your man feels happy in the relationship with you - or if you might be facing a breakup. She thinks: Everything is fine. He thinks: I want to get out…

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7 Questions That Strengthen Love

… and bring us even closer to our partnerSometimes we understand each other without words. That is wonderful! But just as important are conversations that strengthen our love and let it grow. And give us a deep-rooted feeling…

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Love Or Habit? This Is How You Recognize It!

Love or habit? Why do some couples stay together, why do others break up? Which decision is right for you? The following considerations will help. Especially in long-term relationships, there are moments or phases when the partnership is…

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Relationship Killer: 5 Behaviors That Destroy Love

Always quarreling, anger, misunderstandings: The worst poison for love we produce ourselves through these behaviors, which we too often find normal. Sure, things don't always run smoothly in a relationship. Especially if you and your partner have been…

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Relationship Without Love: Can A Relationship Of Convenience Work?

Romantic love and functioning relationships seem to be getting more and more difficult these days. But is a relationship without love, i.e. a "relationship of convenience" a solution for those who just can't find the right person? If…

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Narcissistic Games: 3 Methods A Narcissist Uses To Manipulate You

Narcissists are masters of manipulation. This makes a relationship extremely difficult. Here's how to tell when your narcissistic partner is manipulating you and your feelings. There's a saying that you can't love others until you love yourself. This…

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Make up big eyes: It’s so easy with white eyeliner

Making up big eyes is easy for us from now on! We reveal the easiest and quickest beauty trend for an awake and radiant look: With the help of white eyeliner, the Bambi look is guaranteed. White makes…

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5 Bad Habits Of Children That Are Actually Good.

Certain behaviors in children are called bad parenting. However, these 5 habits are unavoidable - and even positive for child development. Children lose their self-controlYou tell your child in a calm tone, "Leave the glass, please!" And what…

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