Distance Relationship – How To Do It?

Living far apart places special demands on you as a couple. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to making your long-distance relationship work, but there are a number of common pitfalls you can try to avoid. Here are…

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Is He Interested? 5 Signs He Likes You

How do you know if a guy is interested? We can't promise we know exactly how guys think, but we've put together a list of 5 sure signs that he likes you. Whether it's his body language, a…

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11 Signs That You Are In Love

Suddenly you just know. Right? Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between lust and love, especially in the beginning when the sparks are flying regardless. For those in doubt, read the list of 11 signs you're in…

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4 Signs He’ll Never Change

It is always said that in love, you should not try to change your partner. On the one hand, it's better to change your partner than to be unable to love someone for who they are, and on…

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5 Signs That You’re Only With Him By Habit

You're bored in your relationship. One thing's for sure: you're not vibrating with your partner anymore. What's less certain is whether you're ready to leave him. Is this just a lukewarm period in your married life before a…

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The 06 Characteristics of a Charismatic Woman Leader

A charismatic woman leader is a woman who is noticed at first sight. She doesn't need to talk and to be noticed, because her charisma is part of her DNA. But to achieve this, she had to step…

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5 Great Tips To Improve Your Body Language

Beware of Distracting MovementsYour body language speaks for itself, so distracting movements must be controlled. A confident person will not spend time touching their hands and hair, for example. When you walk into a room and look down,…

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Does My Ex Want Me Back? 7 Secret Signs

he does not contact youYes, this can also be an absurd sign that your ex wants you back. Don't misunderstand: Of course, it can just as easily mean that he's over you. The key here is to be…

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Why Women So Often Humiliate Themselves For Men

Why do we women beat ourselves up so much when we are heartbroken?When women are heartbroken after a breakup, they often use humiliating means to fight to get the man back. Why do we do this to ourselves?…

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7 Facts That Determine Who We Fall In Love With

1 | If you want to fall in love - you have to believe in loveI like the English expression "falling in love" because it somehow suggests that we "fall in love" - a beautiful idea. But what…

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Falling Out Of Love: Is It Possible And If So, How?

Some ask themselves the question because they are unhappily in love, others are afraid that their feelings for their partner might be lost one day: Can you fall out of love and if so, how? In the Duden…

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