Why Pretty Women Are So Often Alone

Do beautiful people really have a harder time in love? Yes, at least according to psychologists at Harvard University. According to their study, there is a connection between a person's appearance and their relationship status. Perhaps this is…

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Expert Tip: That’s Why You Should Get Up At 5 A.m.!

Apple CEO Tim Cook is not the only one who is convinced that getting up early increases productivity and thus makes you more successful. But what is really true about the five o'clock in the morning philosophy? Sleeping…

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The 5 Steps Of Falling In Love

Step 1: The will must be there!The will to love must be there. Those who are consciously and actively looking for love are more open to acquaintances, dates - and flirting. A new mother, a newly married man…

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These 7 Things We Can Expect From The Partner

Do you have to reply directly to a text message from your sweetheart? Do we have to see each other every weekend? And who actually pays for a trip to the cinema? Before you can answer these questions…

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8 Signs He Won’t Be Hearing From You Again

There is no conversational chemistryWhat does it mean to have conversational chemistry? It actually means that you have something to talk about. When your conversation flows and there's simply no room for awkward moments of silence, you know…

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Pathological jealousy: At what point is jealousy no longer healthy?

Everyone is probably familiar with a bit of jealousy in a relationship. However, when jealousy takes on morbid forms, it can become problematic for the relationship. Your partner is flirting with another person who is very attractive. You…

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11 Signs That Confirm That the Love Between You Is Dead

You start to question yourselfIt's important and perfectly normal to think about your relationship. However, if certain issues or disturbing moments come up again and again, and you start thinking about them all too often, then you should…

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6 Important Things to Keep Your Relationship Healthy and Happy

Prioritize and take care of each otherRituals or traditions can be important in a relationship. Rituals are something that keep couples together and ensure that they set aside time for each other or their families. In longer relationships,…

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Things You Can Do When You Feel Lonely

Feeling lonely doesn't just happen when you're alone. In fact, there are many people who like to have time to themselves. Just because you're around other people doesn't mean you can't feel lonely. You can even feel lonely…

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Find The Spark – 4 Ways To Fall In Love Again

After a long and wonderful summer, everyday life is back again. If you feel that passion is absent and you and your partner have more of a friendship relationship, it might be time to look at the future.…

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Happiness Researchers: 10 Things That Will Make You Happier

Studies show that we have not become happier over the years, despite the fact that we are better off, consume three times as many gadgets and have a much simpler everyday life than before. In other words, it's…

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