10 Keys to educating your child

One example is better than a thousand sermons. Since they were very young, children have tended to imitate all our actions, good and bad.We can use everyday habits - such as greeting, table manners, standards of conduct -…


How to control your jealousy

Jealousy is considered an emotion that specialists explain at the psychobiological and cultural level. In a couple relationship, in small doses and as a warning reaction to a falling out of love, jealousy can be healthy; but if…


What is love at first sight?

Have you ever had the strange feeling that your sister would get excited when you saw someone - in a train station, for example? A magical moment when a sensation that's hard to describe makes your head spin.…


The feeling of guilt of working moms

Do you also feel guilty because you're cut in half between having a career and finding time to spend with your kids? Relax, because the worries are unnecessary. Whew! The guilt of working moms is a big misunderstanding!…


What’s the place for dads?

For sure, the position of dads has changed somewhat. They are also looking for a place with their children. However, they are still struggling to make their mark and face some difficulties. We still often hear negative things…