You force things
If you force things too much, they won’t work the way you want them to. Even if using force brings you closer to the result you want to achieve, it won’t last. And it will usually make things worse.
You expect too much from your partner
Often, we tend to think that once we are a couple, we have to spend every moment together. We hope that the other one will always be close to us and that he or she will always want to be by our side.
But it is necessary for you to understand that you and your partner are distinct individuals who need to live their own lives outside of the relationship. Without ignoring the relationship, of course.
You don’t expect enough from your partner.
Not really wanting your partner to be a decent or good person can also drive you apart. You need to be able to ask him or her for things and talk about what each person is looking for in the relationship. Low expectations will not allow you to reach your maximum potential together. Maybe that’s why the relationship isn’t working.
You are always dating the same type of person.
When we go out with other people, it’s to find out what we like about a partner or a relationship. If you keep dating people who are very similar, you will never learn anything new about yourself or what you want.
You are trying to control your relationship and your partner.
As soon as you are in a relationship, you have to accept that you lose total control of things, because now there are two of you. This can be good but also frustrating. Balance is necessary: you should not try to control your partner but you should also respect your limits.
You are very different
Of course, opposites attract each other, but this does not mean that they form the ideal couple. Usually, when two very different people have a lasting relationship, it is because their differences complement each other and help each other grow.
Definitely, just because there are differences doesn’t mean there should be constant conflict.
You are still young
You should not expect the first person you go out with to be the “right” one. It is possible that this may happen, but you should not count on it.
You can’t tell yourself that your childhood sweetheart will be the person you grow old with. You need to have realistic expectations.
Sometimes things just don’t work out.
It’s not something easy to recognize, especially when you can’t put your finger on what’s wrong. Because sometimes nothing goes wrong, but it still doesn’t go right. It’s the kind of relationships and breakups that are very difficult to accept at first. But, in time, you’ll realize that it was the right thing to do.
Just because things aren’t going well right now doesn’t mean they never will. But it does mean you have to make adjustments and reconsider things. In the worst case, the relationship may not be meant to work and it will take a lot of maturity to recognize this. But just realizing that the relationship isn’t working means that you are willing to reconsider.
With these tips and pointers, you can get a better idea of what’s going on. And you’ll have a more accurate basis for judging the situation.