Am I Really In Love? These Are The Typical Signs

Everyone talks about butterflies in the stomach and permanent grins. But am I already in love with these symptoms? Or just excited? We present the typical signs of being in love. The symptoms of being in love are…

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Make up big eyes: It’s so easy with white eyeliner

Making up big eyes is easy for us from now on! We reveal the easiest and quickest beauty trend for an awake and radiant look: With the help of white eyeliner, the Bambi look is guaranteed. White makes…

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Do You Play Hard To Get? Stop It If You Want To Find Love

Are you looking for love, and think that playing hard to get makes you more attractive to potential partners? Time to rethink, say researchers in a new study. Starting to date someone means uncertainty, and that can be…

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5 Tips On How To Create A New Healthy Habit

These words come from legendary athlete Jim Ryun. But how do we motivate ourselves to get started? We all want to fill our lives with more positive and healthier activities- from workouts and meditation to getting enough sleep…

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5 Tips For Becoming More Attractive

Have a positive attitude If you run around nagging and talking to people in a negative way time after time, your attractiveness goes down. Whining, complaining and grumbling are anti-attractive. So work on yourself and make sure you…

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Follow 3 Rules Every Day And You Will Immediately Become Happier

In desperate need of some foolproof tricks to lift your mood? You can have them! For example, how about these 3 everyday rules for more happiness …! When we are happy, life is simply more beautiful. We are…

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How To Fight Jealousy: This Is How You Do It

It's annoying, hurts and destroys the relationship - three reasons why we want to fight jealousy. Admittedly: It's not easy. But it can be done! And we'll tell you how. Let's not beat around the bush: jealousy is…

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8 Wishes That Are Sure To Interest You

naturalness Surprise: most men find natural women attractive. Don't worry. This doesn't mean we should stop wearing makeup or stop shaving our legs. It means being unaffected and authentic - and for that, it ultimately doesn't matter whether…

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Learn Self-love: All You Need Is This 6-point Plan!

treat yourself like your best friend. In a way, this is the top, most important and at the same time the simplest rule in learning self-love. But since it implies so much, let's give you three more examples:…

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8 Qualities Of Women Who Love Themselves

Self-confident women are convinced that they are "worth something." What does that mean exactly? Our analysis with tips. One thing in advance: no one is self-confident through and through. But nevertheless, there are women who value themselves to…

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