Pathological jealousy: At what point is jealousy no longer healthy?

Everyone is probably familiar with a bit of jealousy in a relationship. However, when jealousy takes on morbid forms, it can become problematic for the relationship. Your partner is flirting with another person who is very attractive. You…

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Things You Can Do When You Feel Lonely

Feeling lonely doesn't just happen when you're alone. In fact, there are many people who like to have time to themselves. Just because you're around other people doesn't mean you can't feel lonely. You can even feel lonely…

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Happiness Researchers: 10 Things That Will Make You Happier

Studies show that we have not become happier over the years, despite the fact that we are better off, consume three times as many gadgets and have a much simpler everyday life than before. In other words, it's…

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These 7 Foods Against Hair Loss Provide Fast Hair Growth

AvocadosHave you had your fill of avocados yet, or do you still love them? Either way, here's another reason why avocados should definitely be part of your diet: They stimulate hair growth. Rich in antioxidants, they make your…

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5 attractive qualities that are more important than looks

How you act towards others can determine how desirable you are seen to be - it's not nearly as important how you look. Here are the traits and behaviours that make you highly desirable! Sure, you can fall…

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8 things that make you less attractive according to researchers

There are many ways to increase your attractiveness that don't involve how you actually look. Having a sense of humour and smiling a lot are some of the tricks that have been shown to work. But we also…

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What men find attractive in women – according to research

Not all men are attracted to the same woman - but there are some attributes they are genetically programmed to appreciate, research shows. One says he likes curves, another wants tall fashion models. Someone wants short hair and…

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The 06 Characteristics of a Charismatic Woman Leader

A charismatic woman leader is a woman who is noticed at first sight. She doesn't need to talk and to be noticed, because her charisma is part of her DNA. But to achieve this, she had to step…

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5 Great Tips To Improve Your Body Language

Beware of Distracting MovementsYour body language speaks for itself, so distracting movements must be controlled. A confident person will not spend time touching their hands and hair, for example. When you walk into a room and look down,…

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Does My Ex Want Me Back? 7 Secret Signs

he does not contact youYes, this can also be an absurd sign that your ex wants you back. Don't misunderstand: Of course, it can just as easily mean that he's over you. The key here is to be…

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The 8 Qualities of an Attractive Woman

What makes a woman attractive and charming? Is physical beauty the only way to be bright and seductive? We cannot establish with certainty the criteria that seduce. They are purely subjective and can vary from one individual to…

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How to Lose Weight Permanently – 04 Smart Weight Loss Tips

It is impossible to have willpower all the time. That's why, at the end of a diet, we regain the weight we just lost and much more. However, to lose weight permanently, there is no need to deprive…

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