The 7 Korean (Beauty) Brands You Need To Know About

The introduction of Korean brands to the Western market has been one of the best acquisitions for the beauty universe in recent years. These products have become a guarantee of quality and success, as they have managed to…

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5 Beauty Habits You Should Have Before You Turn 30

It seems easy and logical to read them, but the percentage of women who actually practice them daily or have included them in a stable beauty routine is not as high as we think. Having good beauty habits…

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10 Signs Of Bad Parenting – Bad Children Or Bad Parents?

When a child behaves badly, we usually accuse him directly: "what a naughty child", "you are very bad", "you behave terribly"? However, the phrases reproaching their behavior should be addressed to the parents and not so much to…

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Top 30 most popular male names in 2021

They are trendy, they are elegant, they are hot, these are the trendy boys names in 2021. There are 30 of them and they will charm you for sure. i will invites you to discover them and learn…

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10 tips to make sure your kids always listen to you!

Do your children sometimes do as they please without paying attention to what you say? A hypnotherapist has a solution! She reveals some tips to make your offspring listen to you. Which parent has never found himself in…

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8 sure-fire tricks to get a flat stomach

There are two ways to get a plank-hard stomach. You can work your abs relentlessly at the gym to get rid of the accumulated fat, or you can focus on why you keep feeling that bloated feeling. Because…

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How to dress to look taller

The clothes you have in your closet can help you gain a few inches and look much more stylish. For short people, the idea of visually gaining a few inches by using one of the most powerful tools…

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8 signs that your relationship has no future

You don't feel that your partner wants you to be a part of their life Your partner doesn't really include you in his life. He always leaves you at a distance. They talk about their plans without involving…

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11 simple ways to take care of yourself every day

Taking care of your mind Develop a zen and positive mindset. There are many ways to develop a positive mindset and reduce anxiety. Here are some examples to work on: repeating positive affirmations to yourselfbreathing deeply (cardiac coherence)keeping…

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10 Things That Happen When You Are Very Tired

Lack of sleep, stress, chronic anxiety, seasonal depression, deficiency, the causes of fatigue can be numerous. The problem is that we often don't realize it until we're really exhausted, and then it becomes quite difficult to replenish our…

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5 Benefits of Compliments You Didn’t Know You Had

We don't always realize it, but compliments are just as beneficial for the person who gives them as for the person who receives them, provided, of course, that they are expressed in a kind and encouraging way. Giving…

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5 Reasons Why Dust Makes You Fat

You don't like to clean and you sometimes let dust accumulate in your home? That's not really strategic, because not only does cleaning often help you live longer, but dust will also make you gain weight! Find out…

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6 Toxic Beliefs That Prevent Self-Confidence

Mistake #1: Believing that self-confidence is innate "Confidence is an acquired skill. It's up to you to develop it! " It is wrong to admit that the lack of self-confidence is a genetic and natural inevitability that we…

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