8 Things You Should Never Tell Your Partner


In any relationship, communication stands as the cornerstone of understanding, trust, and mutual respect. It’s the bridge that connects two individuals, allowing them to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Effective communication fosters a deep connection and helps partners navigate through the ups and downs of life together. However, while openness and honesty are vital, there are certain things that should be approached with caution or sometimes left unsaid. This isn’t about withholding truth or fostering secrets but about understanding the impact our words can have on the dynamics of the relationship and the well-being of our partner.

Navigating the fine line between transparency and discretion is crucial. It involves recognizing that some thoughts, when shared, may do more harm than good, potentially undermining the trust and respect that are fundamental to any strong relationship. This doesn’t mean avoiding difficult conversations or ignoring issues that need to be addressed. Instead, it’s about choosing the right time, manner, and intention behind sharing certain pieces of information, ensuring that communication remains a tool for strengthening the bond rather than an unintended weapon that could hurt the one we love.

In the following sections, we’ll explore eight specific examples of things you might reconsider before telling your partner, not because they don’t deserve to know your mind and heart, but because the ultimate goal of communication should always be to build up, not tear down, the relationship you value so deeply.

1. Your Insecurities About Your Own Worth

Why it undermines the relationship’s foundation

Discussing personal insecurities about one’s own worth with a partner can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, sharing vulnerabilities can deepen intimacy and trust. On the other, frequently voicing insecurities about your own value can place an undue burden on your partner and the relationship. It may lead to a dynamic where your partner feels compelled to constantly reassure you, potentially breeding resentment or creating a caregiver dynamic rather than a partnership of equals. This shift can undermine the foundation of the relationship by fostering dependency rather than mutual support and growth.

How to build self-esteem together

Building self-esteem in a relationship involves fostering an environment where both partners feel valued, respected, and supported, but it also requires individual effort to work on personal insecurities. Here are ways to approach this:

  • Focus on Personal Growth: Encourage each other to pursue hobbies, interests, and goals that reinforce a sense of competence and self-worth. Celebrating individual achievements can boost confidence and reduce reliance on external validation.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: Cultivate an atmosphere where both partners practice self-compassion and encourage it in each other. Recognize that everyone has flaws and that it’s okay to be a work in progress.
  • Communicate Positively: Instead of expressing insecurities as self-deprecating comments, share feelings in a way that invites support without placing the burden of your self-worth on your partner. For example, instead of saying, “I feel worthless,” try, “I’m struggling with feeling good about myself lately. I’d love to spend some quality time together doing something that makes us both feel happy.”
  • Set Boundaries Around Reassurance: While it’s healthy to seek reassurance and comfort from your partner, setting boundaries around how and when to seek this reassurance can prevent dependency. Agree on healthy ways to support each other’s self-esteem without becoming each other’s sole source of validation.
  • Seek External Support When Needed: If insecurities about self-worth are deeply rooted and affect the relationship significantly, seeking support from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial. Professional guidance can help individuals work through their issues without placing the entire burden on the relationship.

2. Negative Opinions About Their Close Ones

The impact on your partner’s emotional well-being

Sharing negative opinions about your partner’s close friends or family members can be particularly sensitive and potentially damaging. It puts your partner in a difficult position, feeling torn between loyalty to you and to their loved ones. This can lead to stress, guilt, and resentment, negatively impacting their emotional well-being and creating unnecessary conflict within the relationship. It’s essential to recognize the significance of these relationships to your partner and the potential strain your negative opinions could cause.

Constructive ways to discuss concerns

If you have legitimate concerns about your partner’s close ones, it’s important to approach the conversation with sensitivity and constructiveness:

  • Focus on Specific Behaviors: Rather than criticizing the person’s character, discuss specific behaviors and how they affect you or your relationship. This approach is less likely to feel like a personal attack on someone your partner cares about.
  • Express How You Feel: Use “I” statements to express your feelings without placing blame. For example, “I feel left out when we spend time with [person] because I don’t get much of a chance to contribute to the conversation.”
  • Seek Understanding: Try to understand why these relationships are important to your partner. This can help you appreciate their perspective and find common ground.
  • Suggest Solutions: Instead of just presenting a problem, suggest ways to improve the situation. This could involve setting boundaries, spending time together in different configurations, or finding new ways to interact with these individuals.

3. Details of Your Past Relationships

The fine line between transparency and discomfort

While honesty is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship, oversharing details about past relationships can lead to discomfort, jealousy, and insecurity. It’s important to share enough to maintain transparency and trust, especially if past relationships impact the present in tangible ways (e.g., co-parenting with an ex). However, delving into intimate details or comparisons can hurt your partner and detract from the current relationship.

Focusing on the present and future together

  • Share Lessons, Not Stories: Instead of focusing on the specifics of past relationships, share what you learned from those experiences and how they shaped your understanding of what you want in a relationship.
  • Reassure Your Partner: Make it clear that your past is behind you and that your focus is on building a future together. Reassurances can help mitigate any insecurities that discussions about the past might evoke.
  • Establish Boundaries: Discuss and agree on what aspects of past relationships are important to share and what might be better kept private. Respecting these boundaries can strengthen trust and respect between you and your partner.
  • Prioritize the Present: Emphasize your current relationship’s strengths and the unique qualities that make it special. Investing in the present helps ensure that past relationships don’t overshadow the connection and future you’re building together.

4. Unconstructive Criticism

Differentiating between helpful feedback and harmful criticism

The line between helpful feedback and harmful criticism lies in the intent, delivery, and impact on the recipient. Helpful feedback aims to support and improve, focusing on specific behaviors or situations without attacking the person’s character. It’s usually delivered with kindness and a genuine desire for the other person’s growth. In contrast, harmful criticism often targets the individual personally, lacks specificity, and is delivered without consideration for the recipient’s feelings. This type of criticism can damage self-esteem, breed resentment, and weaken the bond between partners.

The art of constructive communication

Constructive communication is essential for navigating difficult conversations without resorting to unconstructive criticism. Here are key elements to practice:

  • Focus on the Issue, Not the Person: Address the behavior or situation that’s problematic, rather than making personal attacks. For example, say “I noticed the dishes weren’t done last night” instead of “You’re so lazy.”
  • Use “I” Statements: Express your feelings and needs without blaming. For instance, “I feel overwhelmed when the house is cluttered, and I need us to work together on tidying up.”
  • Offer Solutions: Don’t just point out problems. Suggest ways to address the issue together, turning the conversation into a collaborative effort for improvement.
  • Be Empathetic: Try to understand your partner’s perspective and acknowledge their feelings. This can help keep the conversation productive and respectful.

5. Comparisons to Others

The dangers of comparison in love and partnership

Comparing your partner to others, whether it’s an ex, a friend’s partner, or an idealized version of a partner, can be incredibly damaging. It undermines their uniqueness and can make them feel inadequate or unappreciated. These comparisons can erode self-esteem, foster jealousy, and create a sense of competition where there should be partnership and support. Furthermore, it shifts the focus away from working on the actual issues within your relationship to an unrealistic standard that may not even be desirable or attainable.

Celebrating uniqueness in your relationship

The antidote to harmful comparisons is to celebrate the uniqueness of your partner and your relationship. Recognize and appreciate the qualities that make your partnership special:

  • Acknowledge Individual Strengths: Focus on your partner’s unique strengths and the positive differences they bring to the relationship. Let them know you value these qualities.
  • Cultivate Gratitude: Regularly express gratitude for the things your partner does and the wonderful attributes they possess. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant.
  • Embrace Imperfections: Understand that no relationship is perfect. Embracing imperfections can lead to a more genuine and accepting partnership.
  • Set Personalized Goals: Work together to set relationship goals that reflect your unique partnership, rather than striving for external ideals. This fosters a sense of teamwork and shared purpose.

6. Doubts About Their Financial Decisions

Respecting financial autonomy while encouraging mutual goals

While it’s natural to have opinions about your partner’s financial decisions, especially when they impact shared goals or resources, expressing doubts can be delicate. Respecting your partner’s financial autonomy means acknowledging their right to make decisions about their money, even if you disagree. However, when those decisions affect mutual financial goals or the overall health of the relationship, it’s crucial to address them constructively.

Strategies for healthy financial discussions

  • Schedule Regular Financial Check-ins: Set aside a regular time to discuss finances openly without judgment or criticism. This can help ensure both partners feel heard and can work together toward common goals.
  • Express Concerns as Shared Challenges: Frame any doubts or concerns as issues to be tackled together, rather than placing blame. For example, “I’m worried about how this purchase might affect our savings goal. Can we explore it together?”
  • Set Mutual Goals: Work together to establish shared financial goals. This creates a common purpose and makes it easier to navigate individual decisions within the context of those goals.
  • Educate Together: Sometimes, financial decisions stem from a lack of knowledge or differing financial backgrounds. Commit to learning about financial management together, which can help align your strategies and decisions.

7. Your Own Financial Insecurities

The balance between honesty and burdening

Being honest about financial insecurities is important for transparency in the relationship. However, there’s a fine line between sharing your concerns and overly burdening your partner with your anxieties. The goal should be to communicate openly without making your partner feel solely responsible for alleviating your insecurities.

Financial planning as a couple

  • Be Open About Your Financial Situation: Start with a candid conversation about your current financial status, including debts, savings, and financial goals. This establishes a baseline for planning.
  • Create a Joint Budget: Work together to develop a budget that accommodates both partners’ needs, goals, and concerns. This can help manage any insecurities by providing a clear plan and shared responsibilities.
  • Build an Emergency Fund: Knowing there’s a safety net can alleviate financial anxieties. Aim to build an emergency fund that can cover several months of living expenses.
  • Seek Professional Advice: If financial insecurities stem from deeper issues or if you’re struggling to make a plan on your own, consider consulting with a financial advisor. Professional guidance can offer strategies and reassurance tailored to your specific situation.

By addressing financial matters with respect, openness, and a commitment to mutual support, couples can navigate financial insecurities and decisions in a way that strengthens their relationship and builds a solid foundation for their future together.

8. Absolute Statements About the Future

The weight of promises and absolutes

Making absolute statements about the future can create unnecessary pressure in a relationship. While it’s important to have dreams and make plans, framing these in terms of unchangeable absolutes can lead to disappointment and stress if circumstances change or if goals evolve over time. Promises about the future should be realistic and allow for the flexibility that life inevitably requires.

How to discuss future plans openly and flexibly
  • Set Shared Goals with Room for Adaptation: When discussing future plans, it’s beneficial to outline shared goals while acknowledging that the path to achieving them may need to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Communicate Openly About Uncertainties: Be honest about uncertainties and potential challenges. This encourages a partnership based on realism and mutual support rather than on unrealistic expectations.
  • Celebrate Progress, Not Just Outcomes: Focus on celebrating milestones and progress towards your goals. This helps maintain motivation and positivity, even when plans need to change.

9. Gossip and Secrets About Others

The impact on trust and respect

Sharing gossip or secrets about others can harm the trust and respect in a relationship. It can raise questions about your integrity and whether you might share private details about your relationship with outsiders. Engaging in gossip can also reflect poorly on your character and affect how your partner views your values.

Cultivating a culture of integrity
  • Focus on Positive Communication: Strive to speak positively about others or choose not to say anything at all. This sets a standard of respect and integrity within your relationship.
  • Respect Privacy: Treat others’ information with the same level of privacy and respect you would expect for your own. This builds a culture of trust and respect in your relationship.
  • Encourage Open Dialogue: If you’re concerned about someone’s behavior or situation, discuss it with your partner in a constructive way rather than resorting to gossip.

10. Your Deepest Regrets and Mistakes

Sharing vs. oversharing: Finding the balance

While sharing your regrets and mistakes can enhance intimacy and understanding, oversharing, especially early in the relationship, can be overwhelming. It’s important to find a balance that allows you to be honest and vulnerable without placing an emotional burden on your partner.

The power of vulnerability within limits
  • Share With Context: When sharing regrets or mistakes, provide context that helps your partner understand your journey and growth, rather than focusing solely on the negative aspects.
  • Be Mindful of Timing and Setting: Choose an appropriate time and setting for deep conversations, ensuring that both partners are in a receptive and supportive mindset.
  • Focus on Lessons Learned: Emphasize what you’ve learned from your experiences and how they’ve shaped you today. This transforms vulnerabilities into strengths and fosters a deeper connection.
  • Respect Each Other’s Boundaries: Be mindful of your partner’s comfort levels and respect their boundaries, just as you expect them to respect yours.

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