Dating when you’re 30 and over

Hopping from one date to the next in a pair of high heels was not easy even for the legendary beauties of physical contact and the City, let alone for us mere mortals. What does it really look…

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How do you know your crush likes you?

People have found ways to inhabit Mars, but there are no instructions for love. And this is a very confusing area, especially when it comes to a budding crush. What are the signs that you are attracted to…

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Every second couple is different. How to save a relationship?

Do you know any couples where people love, care for and respect each other unconditionally? Grandparents, neighbours or colleagues build romantic relationships every day, so they don't form a harmonious bond overnight. What is the secret of successful…

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Psychotherapist reveals why women choose to be alone

More and more women are marrying at an older age, living unmarried or choosing to be alone. This doesn't mean that we have suddenly run out of men or become too picky. For many women, being alone is…

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5 signs you’re dating a narcissist

Narcissism can destroy even the strongest love and ruin long-established relationships. But when we start talking to someone, we may not immediately realise that they are a narcissist. What to look out for, what are the tell-tale signs?…

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Why can’t I find my other half?

It is said that it is difficult for modern people to find their other half. It's as if everyone is walking around… Psychologists also confirm this. But what is it that some people do wrong that they keep…

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5 myths you believe when thinking about summer romance

Many people associate summer with sun, sea, carefree fun and… short but passionate love adventures. It's about them that people say all sorts of things. Which myths should be busted? Summer romances are often idealised and desired by…

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A partner as a mirror of ourselves?

The number of people in the world who find it difficult to find their other half is growing. What if you want a close relationship but still can't find the right partner? It turns out that what we…

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10 “rules for happy couples”

It is said that to save a relationship, you have to make an effort. But what should that effort be? To keep love alive, it's worth remembering the little everyday things. Here's how people who live happily ever…

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Do You Allow Yourself To Be Happy?

You live by the "almost" formula. You were almost lucky enough to do well at school, but you missed out by one point and didn't get in where you wanted. You almost got a good grade in your…

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What Is The Bookkeeping In Your Relationship?

We are used to cash settlements. We pay for land, water, fire and electricity. For all the elements. Except that we don't yet pay for the weather. But are we not paying in our relationship with our spouse?A…

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