A beauty routine for sensitive skin: tips and advice

Sensitive skin requires special care and attention to maintain its balance and well-being. They are more prone to irritation, redness and allergic reactions caused by external factors such as climatic variations, pollution or unsuitable cosmetic products. It's vital…

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The secrets of natural ingredients to enhance your skin

Natural ingredients are good for the skin. They can help reduce the signs of ageing, irritation and imperfections. The best natural ingredients for radiant skin are: argan oil, chamomile, aloe vera, honey, lavender and green tea. To incorporate…

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10 tips for waking up beautiful

Certain habits often lead to a bad complexion very early in the morning. But feeling pretty as soon as you wake up has a positive effect on the whole day. In this article, discover 10 tips for waking…

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The secrets of radiant, healthy skin: tips for successful skin care

In a world where appearance and well-being are increasingly valued, having radiant, healthy skin is essential. More than just an aesthetic asset, radiant skin often reflects a healthy lifestyle and general well-being. A large number of factors such…

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6 signs that you’re attractive

Every man has his own unique appeal and characteristics. However, some people find it hard to see themselves as attractive. If you fall into this category, these few signs that you're attractive may help you change your mind.…

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How can you be confident in your everyday life?

Are you one of those people who have very little self-confidence and lose their footing as soon as they are put forward? Being assertive on a daily basis is essential for getting ahead, and fortunately it's something you…

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How do you break free from emotional dependency?

Love implies mutual respect and acceptance of the other person as they are. An emotionally dependent person will feel the need to change or control the other person in order to feel satisfied. This is the same mechanism…

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6 signs that should alert you to a fraudulent site

Online purchases and payments have become commonplace over the last few years. Sometimes simpler and quicker, but not without risks. Scams on certain websites are becoming more and more common, and can be costly for victims. People who…

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How to remove stress from your life (without stressing yourself out)

This whole health and wellness thing stresses the hell out of me. Here are the promises of the multi-billion dollar global wellness economy: you can get rid of stress. You can have great skin. You can be flexible…

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7 ways to hack your brain to improve your mental health

According to Professor Richard Davidson, the founder of the Center for Healthy Minds, "our brains are constantly being hacked, by the media and everything around us. At the end of the day, write down three good things that…

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Waxing Mistakes: 10 Things To Avoid After Hair Removal

Introduction Hair removal is a choice, not a chore. Our hair is a part of us, whether it's our head or body hair - it's up to us to decide whether we'd rather keep it or remove it.…

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Do you want to overcome your jealousy? Aim for its 5 weak points

It is urgent that you get rid of your jealousy. You know, it is your worst torture. It creeps into your thoughts, adds pain when you've actually been betrayed, or creates fear out of thin air when your…

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The 8 Habits of Ultra-Confident People

THEY ARE NOT AFRAID OF LONELINESS The people around you have a great influence on your well-being and self-confidence. Self-confident people know this! That's why they choose the people around them themselves, even if it means being alone.…

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Why I Have No Passion? Multipotentiality in 4 Points

Emilie Wapnick, an entrepreneur, writer and art director, explains the benefits of being a multipotentialist in her TED talk. Are you interested in many things, but can't seem to stick to any one thing? Do you put all…

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