5 types of love you can experience in a lifetime

Most people believe that the only way to experience romantic love is to meet their Twin Flame. But this is a myth.

How many kinds of love do we experience in a lifetime? And how long do we have to wait until we find love written in capital letters? Each of us goes through a few stages before we end up finding our chosen one, that is if we are patient and don’t settle for a surrogate.

First love
This man or boy is one of the most important people in a woman’s life. He is the one with whom we experience what love means whether it is shared or not. It can be moments of immense joy or terrible sadness. Ecstasy and agony. First love comes in the years of childhood or adolescence and often sets the tone for what will follow in adult life.

False love
As you experience what love is, there will come a time when you will be very sure that a certain man is the love of your life. That man will look, talk, think and act like your ideal partner. Every box on your list will be ticked. But at some point, however, you’ll realize that there’s actually no love left in your relationship.

Soul mate
Throughout your life you will meet many people and each of them will have a specific purpose in your journey. Some will stay, some will leave and you will return to be soulmates. It will seem to you that you have known each other for centuries. Your spirits will connect. They will be your best friends. But yet you won’t feel butterflies in your stomach.

Twin Flame
The story is different when it comes to the Twin Flame. This is a soulmate who is meant to be your partner. Most people believe that the only way to experience romantic love is to meet their Twin Flame. But this is a myth.

True love
True love doesn’t necessarily happen with a soulmate although it may seem that way. Maybe you don’t have that much in common or don’t really connect that much spiritually. But there is a certain magic. And that is the sign of true love.