Seven Strategies For Successful Weight Loss

Losing weight is one of the greatest desires of many people. Surely yours too. However, to achieve it, it is not enough to do just one thing, the ideal is to identify strategies that will help you do it while maintaining healthy habits in aspects related to food, psychology, physical activity and self-control.

According to a study by California State Polytechnic University commonly known as Cal Poly, some of the individuals studied reported having effective behaviors and psychological strategies to lose weight. Some of these include eating healthy foods, consciously tracking what they eat, and having a positive internal dialogue.

Strategies to lose weight and keep it off

According to the Cal Poly study whose results were published in the journal Obesity, it is possible to maintain the weight achieved without regaining it, as long as psychological, eating and self-control strategies are applied. These would be the keys to success.

The research was carried out by surveying some 5,000 members of WW (Weight Watchers) who stated that they had managed to lose around 50 pounds and were able to maintain that weight for more than three years.

The data from these individuals were then compared with those of a control group of about 500 people diagnosed with obesity. The latter reported that they did not lose or gain more than five pounds for more than five years.

Among the behaviors and strategies employed by the two groups analyzed, the following stand out:

  1. Setting daily goals of which foods to consume.
  2. Keeping a daily record of the foods eaten.
  3. Measuring the amount of food consumed to eat only the recommended amount.
  4. Maintain a positive thought that it is possible to maintain the achieved weight.
  5. To choose with greater repetition and frequency healthy food. To do so with greater continuity.
  6. Turn each healthy decision into an automatic and repetitive choice over time.
  7. The study also concluded that as people practiced these strategies on a daily basis, they turned them into habits that became ingrained and, as the days went by, it became easier to comply with them.

The statistics

It is estimated that in the United States, according to the main health statistics agency of this country, almost two out of every five adults suffer from obesity, that is, 40%. On the other hand, one adult in three is overweight, which represents 32% of the population. Obesity increases the probability of being diagnosed with diabetes, cardiovascular problems and even cancer, among other pathologies.

The study acquires great relevance since it can be an excellent source of information to help those who have lost weight and want to maintain a healthy range for the long term.

As time goes by, keeping it off after losing weight will become easier and less effortful. It will become a mechanical and permanent habit within a healthy lifestyle. Something like an effort without sacrifice or obsessive intention, just something that flows without even thinking about it.