Magic phrases in a couple relationship

Good morning and good night

Get into the habit of starting your day by saying “good morning” and ending your evening by saying “good night” to your partner. You may not realize it all the time, but a simple “good morning, my love” can brighten your partner’s day, and yours as well. After a hard day, you may be tempted to fall asleep right away, but never forgetting to say “good night, love” is a sign that you’re making your relationship a priority. And even if your schedule doesn’t allow you to wake up and go to bed at the same time, you can still say those two magic words with a simple call or message to your significant other. Prove to your significant other that just because you’re not next to them doesn’t mean you’re not thinking about them.

How was your day?

Simply asking, “How was your day?” is an effective way to find out your mood and how you feel. It will make it easier for you to see if he or she is having a bad time and to offer him or her your unwavering support at these times. Don’t always wait for the other person to say ‘I’m not feeling well’ to be a shoulder to cry on or an ear to confide in.

I am proud of you

Making your partner understand that you are his biggest (her biggest) fan is one of the keys to a happy marriage. You don’t have to wait for him/her to do something great in his/her life or in your relationship to tell him/her how proud you are of him/her. Whether he or she is helping your child solve that extremely difficult math problem or has taken the time to correct the paint job in the bathroom, show him or her that you are satisfied and happy with his or her small and large accomplishments. This lets him/her know that his/her hard work, large or small, has not gone unnoticed.

You fill me with happiness

Of course, if you are still in a couple, at the moment it is because you are happy to be at his or her side. But how often do you really say this? Making him/her understand that he/she fills you with happiness allows you to enjoy lasting benefits. Even with a simple “I love how you make me laugh every day” you show him/her that your relationship has value and that you are happy to have him/her in your life.

What do you think?

Couples life is a powerful form of partnership. It is therefore essential to continually ask your partner for his or her opinion. By taking the time to ask this question, you make him or her understand that you are “a team”. And that you are moving forward in the same boat. So, even when your opinions diverge, always give importance to each other’s views and opinions (on small as well as big day-to-day decisions). Whether it’s about the menu of the day, the color of your room or the date of your wedding. Don’t let a lack of compromise and communication interfere with the happiness you’ve taken so long and so much trouble to work out – two-

What are we doing tonight?

Couples can easily get stuck in a rut because of the daily routine. They then forget the importance of spending quality time together. And yet, it’s statically proven that having a one-on-one date is a great way to save a relationship on the brink and solidify a healthy one. You must remember that you don’t have to go to a fancy restaurant or spend a lot of money to be together. Just take the time to relax, keep away from phones and computers, prepare good food, etc.

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