How do I know if a guy loves you?

When you’re in a fairly new relationship, judgment can be clouded by your own emotions and sometimes you can become unsure if he feels the same way you do. You may start to wonder if he really loves you, is it just a temporary infatuation, or worse, is he just playing you along. Guys can be hard to read, so if you’re not sure how to read your man, here are 9 tips on how to know if a guy loves you.

He’s really trying to get you now
If he loves you and is thinking about a long-term relationship, then you’ll notice that he wants to learn all about you. He will be really keen to find out what makes you tick, what your fears are and what you are looking for in life. When a man starts asking these kinds of deep questions, you can be pretty sure that he’s taking the relationship seriously.

You are his priority
How do I know if a guy loves you? You can tell he’s fallen for you when you’re the first choice he wants to be with. You’ll stop needing to fit around his other plans, because he’ll fit them around you. The day he asks you if it’s OK for him to spend an evening with his friends, is the day you know you have become his top priority.

He introduces you to all his friends and family
You stop being his latest girlfriend and become a serious part of his life when you start being introduced to his close friends and family. When he lets you into his tight circle of people that he loves and trusts, then it’s a sign that he loves and trusts you as well. When he introduces you to his mother, you can be sure that this is not a short-term fling for him.

He looks you in the eye
Another tip on how to find out if a guy loves you is to notice if he looks you in the eye. Guys get bored easily and when they do, they are pretty useless at hiding it. If a guy isn’t interested in what you’re saying, his eyes will start to wander and he’ll start to fidget. You can tell if a guy is really into you by the way he looks you straight in the eye when he talks to you. That’s both a sign that he wants to know what you have to say and also that he has nothing to hide from you.

He also calls you texts
Men don’t make meaningless phone calls, unless of course they are in love. If he calls to ask your opinion on something, or simply to see how your day is going, then it’s a sign that you’re always on his mind. He’s starting to see you as an integral part of his life and that wouldn’t happen if he didn’t love you.

He likes that you’re around
The next sign on how to know if a guy loves you is when he seems to be happy with just spending time with you. This doesn’t have to be a special date; it could just be sitting at home, or even shopping. If he loves you, all that will matter to him is being with you and he’ll be quite happy to do the things he hates as long as he does it with you.

He goes out of his way to buy wonderful gifts
Your birthday won’t be the only day that you receive gifts from a man that loves you; he’ll buy you gifts on the spur of the moment too. He will put a lot of effort into choosing gifts, and he will try to make every gift he gives you a truly special one. If you mention that you really like something, he’ll remember that, and surprise you with it another day.

He is more than happy to do things for you
A loving man will also be there for you when you need him. He will rush to your help if you need him and he wouldn’t give a second thought to dropping everything he does to come to your aid. If your man drives an hour to come and help you change a tire on your car, and he doesn’t even complain about it, then it’s a sign that you have a man who loves you.