No one is immune to their infidelity. Because it’s a habit that runs in their blood. They can’t help it. It’s not them if they don’t cheat.

This is the sad truth, but there are people born under certain zodiac signs who are experts at cheating. To keep in mind is that each person has their own definition of infidelity and there are thousands of different actions that can fall into this category. Whatever the case may be, infidelity hurts especially when it comes from the most important person in your life. Furthermore, infidelity leads to the development of some pretty serious trust issues that make you afraid to love anymore and make it much harder to let people into your life for fear of getting hurt again.

What are the infidel zodiac signs? You might want to steer clear of them.

Libras love to flirt, play games in relationships, live freely and have adventure and intensity in love. Many know this freedom of theirs and hesitate to enter into relationships with them from the start.

Although you would think that flirting stops at the point where it should stop, there are situations where a Libra continues the game and goes further with the situation they are in, ending up cheating on their partner.

Geminis are very hungry for attention in a romantic relationship, so if you can’t give your partner non-stop attention, then they will find someone who can.

Geminis are pretty indecisive, so they like to have options on all levels of life – even love. If there is someone who can offer them more than they already have, they choose to take advantage of the situation even if it means cheating.

Capricorns are looking for something very specific in their relationships – and that is to gain as much as they can from them. What exactly is it looking for? We’ll tell you: complete happiness, support, stability and maybe even status.

And because all of these can be hard to find in a single partner, when they fail to have them, Capricorn is willing to take a risk and look for them in other people (without thinking they’re hurting the person they’re with).